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Ítem The implementation of linguistic pedagogical activities using L1 reference background to foster L2 oral communicative competence among adult learners at CINDEA Judas, 2020: La implementación de actividades lingüísticas pedagógicas usando como referencia el conocimiento de la lengua materna para el desarrollo de la competencia oral comunicativa en un segundo idioma en estudiantes adultos en CINDEA Judas, 2020(2021) Brenes Méndez, Vivian María; González Hernández, Diego Emmanuel; Rojas Rojas, Lilieth Viviana; Solórzano Madrigal, Karol Daniela; Chacón Prado, Mónica de JesúsÍtem The Blended Learning method in the teaching of vocabulary development skills to eighth graders at Colegio Dr. Ricardo Moreno Cañas, Rincón de Zaragoza, Palmares: El método de Blended Learning en la enseñanza de vocabulario a los octavos años del Colegio Dr. Ricardo Moreno Cañas, Rincón de Zaragoza, Palmares(2017) Arias Corrales, Christofer Rolando; Gamboa Rodríguez, Ricardo Alberto; Jiménez Salazar, José Asdrúbal; Rojas Piedra, Paulo Josué; Vásquez López, María YorleniÍtem Sustainability of telecommuting in the Universidad Estatal a Distancia: a study on the impact of the modality on the psychosocial risk factors of teleworkers in contrast to their performance assessments(2023) Huertas Gutiérrez, Glenn; Montoya Fernández, Mónica del Carmen; Rivera López, Angélica Roxana; Trejos Pérez, Emily Yasmín; Navarro Alpízar, Ana Gabriela; Villegas Bermúdez, José AndrésÍtem Effects of implementing the ECRIF framework on oral production participation in communicative English courses(2022) Chavarría Nájera, Nazareth; Chavarría Piñeiro, Jorge Andrés; Cubero Carranza, Katherine; Mora León, Tiary Yulissa; Rossi Flood, Amanda LynnÍtem Evaluation of the Application of MEP¿s Guidelines for the Assessment of Action-Oriented Oral Comprehension and Oral Production Classwork in the Listening and Speaking Class of Group 9-1 in the Current 2021 Blended Learning Context at Bilingual Experimental High School of Turrialba(2022) Brenes Prendas, Jocelyne María; Monge Zelaya, Paula Isabel; Sanabria Mora, Esteban Antonio; Solano Mata, YenifferÍtem Interferences of Spanish on students¿ English Production at Experimental-Bilingual High Schools of The Western Region: a study on interlanguage(2022) Chavarría Madrigal, Carlos Darío; Díaz Sequeira, Limberg; Ramírez Fuentes, Isabel; Salguera Pizarro, María José; Villalobos Fuentes, Mónica; Zumbado Venegas, ÁlvaroÍtem A collaborative ICT-based proposal to implement the AOA mini project in a ninth-grade class at Naranjo Bilingual High School in 2021(2022) Mora Jara, Noelia; Pérez Quirós, Joselyn; Varela Méndez, Carlos; Vargas Jiménez, David; Vargas Vásquez, José MiguelÍtem Effects of remote Language teaching strategies on oral performance at the University of Costa Rica during the COVID-19 pandemic: voices from the western Branch(2022) Brenes Barrantes, Hazel Ariana; Brenes Barrantes, Melissa; Solano Murillo, Pamela; Vargas Madrigal, José David; Sevilla Morales, HenryÍtem Les perceptions par rapport aux pratiques méthodologiques dans le développement des compétences chez les enfants de GS du projet bilingue dans le contexte de la pandémie COVID-19 pendant l'année 2020(2022) Guillén Agüero, William Alberto, 1988-; Gutiérrez Mora, Melissa María, 1984-; Arias Corrales, Ileana, 1980-Ítem English teachers' attitudes concerning their use of L1 in the classrooms: an exploratory sequential study(2022) Campos Morales, Meilin Alejandra, 1997-; Chaves González, Brayner Snaider, 1999-; Leiva Guerrero, Alisson María, 1996-; Quirós Montenegro, Jennifer María, 1992-; Sevilla Morales, Henry, 1986-Ítem Digital marketing strategy focused on social networks as a competitive advantage in Agencia Aduanal Lilliana Irías Carvajal, San José 2022(2022) Obando Alán, Kembly Dayana, 1998-; Picado Avendaño, Carolina de los Ángeles, 1996-; Rodríguez Villalobos, María Fernanda, 1998-; Valverde Rodríguez, Yoselin, 1997-; Vega Mora, Nick Moisés, 1995-; Ling Nieto, María del Rocío, 1966-Ítem The use of digital flashcards as a learning strategy to foster the mastery of vocabulary in oral production tasks through Task-Based an approach in a virtual EFL classroom in a group of seventh grade students at Esparza High school(2021) Alvarado Rodríguez, Jennifer Tatiana, 1993-; Cordoba Espinoza, Andreina, 1989-; Delgado Calvo, Raquel, 1995-; Villalobos Mendoza, Luis Fernando, 1989-; Chacón Prado, Mónica de Jesús, 1981-Ítem The Effectiveness of Using Feedback Instruments for Assessing Writing Short Stories in a Tenth Grade Group from CINDEA Judas, in the third school district at Dirección Regional de Educación of Puntarenas, during the second school term, 2020(2021) González González, Isaac, 1997-; Guzmán Arroyo, Kristel, 1995-; Molina Muñoz, Stephanie, 1997-; Vindas Espinoza, Juvenal, 1997-; González Porras, Jorge Andrés,Ítem Web 2.0 tools incorporation in vocational high schools in Costa Rica: an exploratory research study(2015) Mena Fernández, Érrol, 1984-; Molina Flores, Luis Eduardo, 1972-Ítem The use of self-, peer-, and co-assessment in EFL classrooms to support the essay-writting process: a mixed-methods study at the International Baccalaureate Program at Palmares Bilingual High School(2020) Gamboa Marín, Fernanda, 1995-; Morera Aguilar, María José, 1995-; Vargas Jiménez, Joselyn, 1996-; Vargas Vásquez, José Miguel, 1986-Ítem Circumlocution, approximation, and word coinage: strategies to improve eighth-grader´s autonomy in oral performance at experimental bilingual high school of Palmares(2017) Arrieta Lara, José Félix; Esquivel Miranda, Juliana; Morales Jiménez, Melissa; Quesada Montoya, María José; Quirós Rodríguez, Kenneth; Rodríguez Sibaja, Juan José; Sevilla Morales, HenryÍtem Easing the learning of the simple past and past participle of irregular verbs in English through the use of applications for smart devices: a case study with tenth graders from Colegio Nacional Marco Tulio Salazar, site Central Elementary School, Atenas = Facilitar el aprendizaje del pasado simple y participio pasado de los verbos irregulares en inglés por medio de las aplicaciones por dispositivos inteligentes: un estudio de caso con los estudiantes de décimo grado del Colegio Nacional Virtual Marco Tulio Salazar, sede Escuela Central, Atenas(2017) Garita Muñoz, Vivian; Mora Abdallah, Eduardo; Ramírez Rodríguez, Karina; Ramírez Valenciano, María Fernanda; Zamora Solano, Karen; Vásquez Carranza, Luz MarinaÍtem