Lenguas Modernas


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    The use of music-based activities to Foster stress and rhythm in virtual EFL learning
    (2023) Ellis Rodríguez, Abraham Ricardo; Jiménez Varela, Nicolás; Moya Mora, Yoselyn; Pacheco Salas, Lorely; Zumbado Venegas, Álvaro
    In Costa Rican EFL classrooms, music has always been part of the learning process. Even when students enter kindergarten, they are in contact with music, which is used as a didactic tool. In this project, we examine the use of music-based activities to foster stress and rhythm in second language learning (L2) in virtual settings. We took into consideration music-based activities and English learning, and the possibility of these two being interconnected by rhythm and stress. This inquiry followed an exploratory-sequential design to, first, search for opinions, thoughts, and skills developed on a small sample and then, to determine whether the findings could be observed in a similar group. The students that formed the sample took part in oral interviews and music-based activities where data was collected from ninth-grade students at Bilingual Highschool of Palmares and the Bilingual Highschool of Grecia. In the quantitative phase, a pre and posttest was applied to measure the changes that the students had after carrying out musical activities, where stress and rhythm were taken into account; in the qualitative part, oral interviews and surveys were developed. Data showed that using music-based activities helps foster stress and rhythm in L2 in virtual learning settings. Through this study, we aimed to make a significant contribution for teachers and students implementing new learning methodologies where music might help learners improve their vocabulary, listening, and pronunciation skills while developing stress and rhythm in their L2 process. On the last chapter conclusions, limitations, and recommendations were offered. In regards of limitations, the most relevant are the fact that there is a scarce amount of local research, and the points of view addressed were just the students´. Then concerning the recommendations
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    The implementation of linguistic pedagogical activities using L1 reference background to foster L2 oral communicative competence among adult learners at CINDEA Judas, 2020: La implementación de actividades lingüísticas pedagógicas usando como referencia el conocimiento de la lengua materna para el desarrollo de la competencia oral comunicativa en un segundo idioma en estudiantes adultos en CINDEA Judas, 2020
    (2021) Brenes Méndez, Vivian María; González Hernández, Diego Emmanuel; Rojas Rojas, Lilieth Viviana; Solórzano Madrigal, Karol Daniela; Chacón Prado, Mónica de Jesús
    The use of the mother tongue in the English class has been a controversial topic in the education field. Therefore, this study is aimed to analyze the implementation of linguistic pedagogical activities using L1 reference background to foster L2 oral communicative competence among adult learners at CINDEA Judas, 2020. For carrying out this objective, there was selected one control and one experimental group, considering a sample of six and ten participants, respectively. Moreover, five linguistic pedagogical activities were applied to foster learners¿ oral communication in the target language: English. Thereby, five instruments were designed to collect the information. First, a diagnostic test was applied to gather students¿ starting English level; referencing their scores to the CEFRL parameters. Second, a Likert scale to evaluate participants¿ performance during the activities. Third, a post-test presented the effectiveness of the activities. Fourth, one survey was done to the participating students and one interview to the collaborating teacher to gather their opinion regarding the activities. Lastly, the results were analyzed in a triangulation chart; the outcomes were supported by findings of other researchers and the English Study Program proposed by MEP (2016.) Consequently, the findings from the current research showed that participants¿ English level increased; specifically, they got an upgrade on their scores. In the diagnostic test, most learners obtained a Beginner level, whereas in the post-test they all improved their grades, reaching an Elementary English level. In conclusion, the activities were implemented concerning a balance between English and Spanish; in fact, participants took advantage of this balance to increase their oral competence.
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    The Blended Learning method in the teaching of vocabulary development skills to eighth graders at Colegio Dr. Ricardo Moreno Cañas, Rincón de Zaragoza, Palmares: El método de Blended Learning en la enseñanza de vocabulario a los octavos años del Colegio Dr. Ricardo Moreno Cañas, Rincón de Zaragoza, Palmares
    (2017) Arias Corrales, Christofer Rolando; Gamboa Rodríguez, Ricardo Alberto; Jiménez Salazar, José Asdrúbal; Rojas Piedra, Paulo Josué; Vásquez López, María Yorleni
    Acquiring vocabulary when learning English as a second or foreign language becomes one ofthe biggest challenges for leamers. The present document explores the mended Leaming strategies to facilitate the learning of vocabulary in the Costa Rican setting. This eclectic method has as its core principie the combination ofthe traditional face-to-face instruction along with the technology-enbanced class. Even though there is enough literature about the use of this method in severa) educational settings, there is not plenty information specifically on vocabulary instruction. Hence, the researchers aimed to integrate the use of this technology based methodology to the leaming of vocabulary in Efl academic settings to improve dynamicity, motivation, and engagement in the class. This study explores the roles of the teacher and tbe student under the Blended Leaming Method of instruction. To have a clear understanding of the impact of this methodology, two groups of eighth grade from a public academic high school were taught for I O lessons; one under the Blended Leaming Method (experimental group) and the other one under the traditional method of instrnction (control group). A pre-test and a post-test were applied to both groups at the beginning and at the. end ofthe intervention. Tbe resufts ofthe tests showed how the experimental group had a dramatic improvement in their vocabulary leaming in comparison with the control group. Even though botb groups presented an improvement in the mastery of their vocabuJary, the leve) of improvement was noticealt>ly bigher in the experimental group after the 1 O lessons ofintensive work. Further, the study aimed to provide an alternative to traditional instruction that offers teachers and learners a dynamrc, moüvating, and fulrfilling experience of learning. Key words: Vocabulary development skills, vocabulary learning in foreign/second language, Blended Leaming Method, BLM, vocabulary teaching strategies, BLM-Based strategies
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    Sustainability of telecommuting in the Universidad Estatal a Distancia: a study on the impact of the modality on the psychosocial risk factors of teleworkers in contrast to their performance assessments
    (2023) Huertas Gutiérrez, Glenn; Montoya Fernández, Mónica del Carmen; Rivera López, Angélica Roxana; Trejos Pérez, Emily Yasmín; Navarro Alpízar, Ana Gabriela; Villegas Bermúdez, José Andrés
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    Effects of implementing the ECRIF framework on oral production participation in communicative English courses
    (2022) Chavarría Nájera, Nazareth; Chavarría Piñeiro, Jorge Andrés; Cubero Carranza, Katherine; Mora León, Tiary Yulissa; Rossi Flood, Amanda Lynn
    This thesis project analyzes the ECRIF Framework and its effects in oral production participation when utilized in Costa Rican English communicative lessons. Ten 12- to 14-year-old students participated in an ECRIF-based conversational online course to learn the target language. During the language learning process, researchers applied questionnaires, observations worksheets, and self-assessment checklists to identify and measure factors that affect oral production in ECRIF- based lessons such as participation, motivation, safety, and communicative skills. Data was collected, triangulated, and analyzed under a QUAL-quan mixed-method approach to measure the effectiveness of the framework to promote oral production. Results suggest that ECRIF- based lessons can increase students¿ oral production and participation. However, insufficient data and unpredictable factors when developing virtual lessons did not allowed to established definitive results. Adaptations and enhancements are necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the ECRIF-based lessons in an online setting.
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    Influence of six different language learning strategies on the language learning experience of a group of low beginners of english whose main motivation is to help their school children at home
    (2010) Sandí Bermúdez, Ivannia
    The objective of this research study is to investigate the influence of teaching six language learning strategies to a group of seven beginning adult students at a public p1imary school in San José, who share one personal purpose: learn English to help their school children at home. The group received fourteen weeks of learning strategies training set into a great variety of classroom activities, while receiving English lessons. Questionnaires were administered to the students at the beginning and at the end of training. The analysis of the preliminary questionnaire provided comments, recommendations, and critical opinions to define students,. own learning strategies and enhance their communicative skills. The connotation of the research study is that language learning strategy preparation _should be integrated into the regular teaching program starting from the beginning levels to help students turn into more effective learners.
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    Evaluation of the Application of MEP¿s Guidelines for the Assessment of Action-Oriented Oral Comprehension and Oral Production Classwork in the Listening and Speaking Class of Group 9-1 in the Current 2021 Blended Learning Context at Bilingual Experimental High School of Turrialba
    (2022) Brenes Prendas, Jocelyne María; Monge Zelaya, Paula Isabel; Sanabria Mora, Esteban Antonio; Solano Mata, Yeniffer
    Over the years, classwork has been considered as one of the key elements of class mediation and learning evaluation regardless of the teaching approach used in the Costa Rican public education system regulated by the Ministry of Public Education (from now on, ¿MEP¿). In the communicative approach shaped in the 1980s and 1990s, for example, classwork was conceived as a task with an emphasis on content rather than form that aimed for students to be able to communicate in class using the content studied (MEP, 2017). More recently, this has been redefined with the incorporation of the Action-Oriented Approach (from now on AOA) as the basis for the newest English curriculum at MEP. According to MEP (2017), this new curriculum based on the AOA states that classwork activities must seek for students to practice the language in a meaningful way for successful real-life task completion. Classwork should favor the performance of tasks around moments, actions, and products that are vivid, defined, and concrete for the students. Therefore, former classwork activities such as grammar handouts, completion of book exercises, and other non-action-oriented tasks are no longer considered valid techniques to assess classwork. In other words, when performing tasks in a class mediated with this new AOA-based curriculum, ¿the learner is not speaking or writing for the teacher or pretending to speak or write to another person, but rather speaking or writing in a real-life context for a social purpose¿ (MEP, 2017, p. 26).
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    Interferences of Spanish on students¿ English Production at Experimental-Bilingual High Schools of The Western Region: a study on interlanguage
    (2022) Chavarría Madrigal, Carlos Darío; Díaz Sequeira, Limberg; Ramírez Fuentes, Isabel; Salguera Pizarro, María José; Villalobos Fuentes, Mónica; Zumbado Venegas, Álvaro
    7 Abstract In the present study, the most relevant Spanish interferences related to grammar were examined and interpreted as well as the implications they had on students` English proficiency. Several studies and two theories were considered to explain interference on SLA, the Complexity Theory and Interlanguage. Our research addressed the following question: What are some of the most common errors as mother tongue interferences shown by tenth- graders from The Western Region when they speak English? In this case study, teachers and students partook in oral interviews; data was collected and results were thoroughly examined. That data collected demonstrated how the target language affected the acquisition of a second language. Main findings pointed out at the perception of three recurring types of mistakes: Misuse of third person singular, incorrect syntax, and negative word transfer. Consequently, these mistakes came to be related to translation of structures, lack of exposure to English, and negative transfer. Some of the authors that theoretically backed up this study on interference focused their arguments mainly on studies made with adult populations, but the population studied in this instance were teenagers so there is a chance for the results to vary.
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    A collaborative ICT-based proposal to implement the AOA mini project in a ninth-grade class at Naranjo Bilingual High School in 2021
    (2022) Mora Jara, Noelia; Pérez Quirós, Joselyn; Varela Méndez, Carlos; Vargas Jiménez, David; Vargas Vásquez, José Miguel
    At the beginning of 2020 and up to 2021, the world underwent the acute phase of the health crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic, including widespread restrictions on mobility and gatherings. As a result, educational institutions in Costa Rica had to work entirely online, forcing teachers around the country to depend on information and communication technologies (ICTs) for their lessons. Within that context, this research examines the fulfillment of collaborative learning principles in an AOA mini project supported by ICTs and their perceived impact on the students¿ performance in a 9th-grade class at Naranjo Bilingual High School. The study followed a Classroom Action Research method grounded in a qualitative approach. The MEP AOA mini-project was carried out in a reading and writing class. In small groups, students created a blog on Edublogs, consisting of four written entries about environmental issues. The results showed that implementing ICT-based collaborative projects with the AOA mini-project structure allowed students to develop 21st century skills such as problem-solving, digital literacy, creativity, and collaboration. This research serves as a reference for English teachers in Costa Rica to enrich and improve the development of the AOA mini project. As a limitation, the students reported a need for further training on the ICT platforms used for the study since several supplementary ICT tools were involved. Furthermore, the population involved in the study was small, which does not allow for generalizable results.
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    Effects of remote Language teaching strategies on oral performance at the University of Costa Rica during the COVID-19 pandemic: voices from the western Branch
    (2022) Brenes Barrantes, Hazel Ariana; Brenes Barrantes, Melissa; Solano Murillo, Pamela; Vargas Madrigal, José David; Sevilla Morales, Henry
    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Costa Rican higher educational institutions had to switch from face-to-face lessons to an emergency remote teaching modality. Teachers started researching new strategies and activities to apply in their classes because they, as well as many of their students, were not prepared for the new online teaching challenges. In Costa Rica, by mid- 2021, no empirical studies were available about the effects of remote teaching strategies on students¿ oral performance. Thus, this research seeks to analyze the perceptions on the effects of remote language teaching strategies on junior students¿ oral performance at the English teaching majors of the University of Costa-Western Branch (UCR-WB). To develop this investigation, an explanatory sequential mixed method design was adopted, which involved a two-phase execution of the project. For the first, quantitative stage, a sample of 36 junior students from the Oral Communication VI course of the English Teaching Majors at UCR-WB participated by completing a questionnaire. For the second, qualitative stage, a semi-structured interview was administered to five of the participants from the first stage that were selected in order to explain some interrogatives derived from the quantitative phase. The findings show that the majority of informants expressed that remote teaching has positively affected their academic performance.
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    Using the task-based approach and authentic videos to improve listening and speaking in a group of Intermediate EFL learners at the UCR Conversation English Program
    (2010) Oguilve Araya, Verónica
    Para el docente de inglés como lengua extranjera es frecuente enfrentar el dilema de la correcta integración de la comprensión auditiva y de la expresión oral en el proceso de aprendizaje en sus aulas ya que tradicionalmente en los enfoques usados se tiende a separar las macro-destrezas. Esto obstaculiza la interacción oral en las situaciones de la vida real de los y las estudiantes. Con el fin de establecer una conexión entre la comprensión auditiva y la expresión oral se realizó el presente estudio donde se utilizaron materiales auténticos dentro del Enfoque de Tareas para simular escenarios reales. Con este objetivo se escogió un grupo de 16 estudiantes de nivel intermedio bajo de los Cursos de Conversación Inglesa de la Universidad de Costa Rica para impartirles un curso donde se utilizarán videos auténticos y se llevarán a cabo tareas de la vida real relacionadas con estos videos. Para la recolección de información se utilizaron encuestas, grabaciones de video/audio y un cuestionario. Por la implementación del Enfoque de Tareas usando videos auténticos como tarea modelo, fue claro que los estudiantes de nivel intermedio reprodujeron poco vocabulario y expresiones del video en la tarea, pero mejoraron en fluidez en el idioma debido a que se estableció un contexto, un propósito y un público meta, los cuales son elementos esenciales en la comunicación real.
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    Les perceptions par rapport aux pratiques méthodologiques dans le développement des compétences chez les enfants de GS du projet bilingue dans le contexte de la pandémie COVID-19 pendant l'année 2020
    (2022) Guillén Agüero, William Alberto, 1988-; Gutiérrez Mora, Melissa María, 1984-; Arias Corrales, Ileana, 1980-
    Ce mémoire in propose une analyse des perceptions des enseignants par rapport aux pratiques méthodologies qu¿ils ont adoptées pendant la période de confinement afin d'assurer le développement des compétences langagières et non-langagières chez les enfants de Grande Section. On présente les adaptations qu¿ils ont faites dans le contexte de la pandémie, le matériel, les routines de classe, outils technologiques dont ils se sont servis dans les séances synchrones et asynchrones dans un contexte éducatif de situation d'urgence avec un public enfant non-lecteur. Nous, en tant qu'équipe de recherche, avons proposé trois techniques de recherche pour la collecte de données, le questionnaire, l¿entretien libre et le groupe de discussion, les trois se sont développés en langue maternelle des enseignants dans le but d'encourager la participation libre et fluide. La triangulation et l`nalyse des données ont été faites dans trois étapes, la première, relie au questionnaire cherchait connaître des aspects généraux et le contexte de travail des enseignants, la deuxième, relié à l¿entretien libre avait pour but connaître les opinions sur les sujets liés au processus d'enseignement à distance et finalement le groupe de discussion revient sur quelques thèmes qui ont surgi dans l'entretien libre et que nous considérons importants pour la recherche et sur les perceptions ouvertes du travail fait pendant la pandémie. Grâce à la réflexion faite à partir de cette documentation, les conclusions montraient, sont la réponse aux différents sujets qui ont émergé dans la recherche et qui ont relation avec : la santé des enseignants, le rôle et appui des familles et les institutions éducatives, l¿implémentation d'outils technologiques ainsi que les apprentissages acquis et les aspects à améliorer afin d¿enrichir le processus d¿enseignement et d'apprentissage...
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    English teachers' attitudes concerning their use of L1 in the classrooms: an exploratory sequential study
    (2022) Campos Morales, Meilin Alejandra, 1997-; Chaves González, Brayner Snaider, 1999-; Leiva Guerrero, Alisson María, 1996-; Quirós Montenegro, Jennifer María, 1992-; Sevilla Morales, Henry, 1986-
    This study aimed to explore what common attitudes in-service MEP English teachers hold towards their own use of L1 in the classroom by conducting an exploratory sequential study in the Western zone of Costa Rica (San Ramón, Palmares, Sarchí, Grecia, and Naranjo). The literature reviewed expounds on the lack of evidence in Costa Rica to acknowledge the attitudes that arise in teachers while using the resource of L1 further to advance students¿ progress in their L2 learning process. A QUAL-Quan research design was used for this study. Four MEP English teachers comprised the qualitative sample, which consisted of a semi-structured interview and a post-interview reflection form. After administering these instruments, twenty-two educators collaborated in the quantitative stage, which involved the administration of a survey, giving a final total of twenty-six informants. The four qualitative interviews were handled during Zoom sessions, while the post interview reflection and survey were run using Google Forms documents. Some of the participants were contacted directly at MEP institutions, while others were reached via social media. In general, findings indicate that the majority of the participants acknowledged using Spanish in their classes, which was generally linked with the attitude of empathy toward students. Results also suggest that, according to the participants' beliefs, making use of L1 works as a tool for teaching-learning purposes, which facilitates comprehension, benefits class management, promotes a sense of confidence, and decreases levels of frustration, anxiety, and stress. None of the informants reported to endorse unlimited use of L1; instead, they highlighted that it is paramount to control the amount of L1 employed in order to avoid its overuse.
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    Digital marketing strategy focused on social networks as a competitive advantage in Agencia Aduanal Lilliana Irías Carvajal, San José 2022
    (2022) Obando Alán, Kembly Dayana, 1998-; Picado Avendaño, Carolina de los Ángeles, 1996-; Rodríguez Villalobos, María Fernanda, 1998-; Valverde Rodríguez, Yoselin, 1997-; Vega Mora, Nick Moisés, 1995-; Ling Nieto, María del Rocío, 1966-
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    The use of digital flashcards as a learning strategy to foster the mastery of vocabulary in oral production tasks through Task-Based an approach in a virtual EFL classroom in a group of seventh grade students at Esparza High school
    (2021) Alvarado Rodríguez, Jennifer Tatiana, 1993-; Cordoba Espinoza, Andreina, 1989-; Delgado Calvo, Raquel, 1995-; Villalobos Mendoza, Luis Fernando, 1989-; Chacón Prado, Mónica de Jesús, 1981-
    This research encompasses the use of digital flashcards to foster the mastery of vocabulary in oral production tasks. To carry out this study, the researchers conducted different instruments in order to obtain the results, analyze the data, and verify if the objectives were fulfilled. The main aim is to analyze the effectiveness of digital flashcards as a learning strategy to improve the mastery of vocabulary; thus, to make students communicate better in the second language.
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    The Effectiveness of Using Feedback Instruments for Assessing Writing Short Stories in a Tenth Grade Group from CINDEA Judas, in the third school district at Dirección Regional de Educación of Puntarenas, during the second school term, 2020
    (2021) González González, Isaac, 1997-; Guzmán Arroyo, Kristel, 1995-; Molina Muñoz, Stephanie, 1997-; Vindas Espinoza, Juvenal, 1997-; González Porras, Jorge Andrés,
    This study reports on the effectiveness of using feedback instruments for assessing the writing skill of tenth grade students using short stories. This action research study followed a mixed methodology. The participants were 11 students ages 15 to 42, in a tenth-grade group from CINDEA Judas in the third school district at Dirección Regional de Educación of Puntarenas, during the second school term of 2020. The main objective of this research was to examine the possible effectiveness of implementing feedback instruments for assessing writing skills with a sample population through the creation of short stories. Interestingly, the researchers found that 73% of students (8 learners) improved their writing proficiency at the end of the fieldwork stage. The results obtained revealed that the use of feedback instruments is effective in upgrading a learner´s writing mastery. For instance, 55% of the participants were able to increase their vocabulary repertoire. Also, for the final result, 45% of the students gained satisfactorily outcomes and 55% of the learners improved their scores in their grammar insights showing a marked improvement compared to the diagnostic test results. Finally, the researchers concluded that through the implementation of feedback instruments using short stories strategies EFL learners can improve their writing skills more effectively. Lastly, it is recommended that MEP authorities train their language instructors in the use of this pedagogical strategy.
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    Web 2.0 tools incorporation in vocational high schools in Costa Rica: an exploratory research study
    (2015) Mena Fernández, Érrol, 1984-; Molina Flores, Luis Eduardo, 1972-
    Este estudio exploratorio tiene por objetivo identificar las herramientas Web 2.0 que los(as) docentes de 21 colegios vocacionales de Costa Rica han utilizado, así como determinar la percepción de los profesores(as) en relación con el uso de estos recursos tecnológicos en la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera. Para obtener sus opiniones, 55 participantes completaron dos encuestas autoadministradas en línea. Los autores usaron un proceso de codificación y estadísticas para analizar la información obtenida. Los hallazgos indican que la mayoría de los educadores utilizaban las redes sociales y Google Sites, pero no lo hacían primordialmente con propósitos didácticos. Asimismo, a la mayoría de los profesores les gustaría utilizar algunas otras herramientas Web 2.0 tales como wikis, Voki, Google Orive porque perciben que estas aplicaciones (1) son atractivas e interesantes para los estudiantes, y (2) mejoran tanto la exposición de los estudiantes a la lengua meta como la producción de los estudiantes en inglés. Adicionalmente, los factores relacionados con el tiempo disponible, la capacitación y los recursos existentes han impedido que los participantes utilicen las herramientas Web 2.0. Palabras clave: Herramientas Web 2.0, enseñanza del inglés, colegios vocacionales de Costa Rica, percepción de los docentes.
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    The use of self-, peer-, and co-assessment in EFL classrooms to support the essay-writting process: a mixed-methods study at the International Baccalaureate Program at Palmares Bilingual High School
    (2020) Gamboa Marín, Fernanda, 1995-; Morera Aguilar, María José, 1995-; Vargas Jiménez, Joselyn, 1996-; Vargas Vásquez, José Miguel, 1986-
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    Circumlocution, approximation, and word coinage: strategies to improve eighth-grader´s autonomy in oral performance at experimental bilingual high school of Palmares
    (2017) Arrieta Lara, José Félix; Esquivel Miranda, Juliana; Morales Jiménez, Melissa; Quesada Montoya, María José; Quirós Rodríguez, Kenneth; Rodríguez Sibaja, Juan José; Sevilla Morales, Henry
    Se estudia el proceso de fomentar la autonomía en el aula de inglés por medio de tres estrategias comunicativas fundamentales: circunlocución, aproximación y acuñación de palabras para mejorar las habilidades orales de los estudiantes. Se trata de una investigación de enfoque de método mixto (QUAL-quan), ya que los datos cualitativos son dominantes sobre los datos cuantitativos y ambos se recopilaron en las mismas fases del estudio, enmarcados en una investigación de estudio de caso porque el proyecto buscaba evaluar el nivel de autonomía de los estudiantes en tareas orales. Los sujetos incluyen 12 estudiantes de octavo grado del Liceo Experimental Bilingüe de Palmares. La recopilación de datos se llevó a cabo mediante una hoja de observación de los estudiantes, un cuestionario para los estudiantes, una rúbrica de evaluación de tareas comunicativas y un cuestionario para el profesor. Los resultados develan efectos positivos de las estrategias comunicativas propuestas; los estudiantes mejoraron su rendimiento al usar el idioma inglés; sin embargo, el docente colaborador señala que las estrategias pueden ser difíciles de poner en práctica para los estudiantes con bajo nivel de competencia. Ante ello, el equipo investigador diseñó un folleto de actividades comunicativas como fuente para implementar las estrategias propuestas. Los hallazgos sugieren un grado de correlación entre las estrategias implementadas y el desarrollo de la autonomía en la población estudiada.
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    Easing the learning of the simple past and past participle of irregular verbs in English through the use of applications for smart devices: a case study with tenth graders from Colegio Nacional Marco Tulio Salazar, site Central Elementary School, Atenas = Facilitar el aprendizaje del pasado simple y participio pasado de los verbos irregulares en inglés por medio de las aplicaciones por dispositivos inteligentes: un estudio de caso con los estudiantes de décimo grado del Colegio Nacional Virtual Marco Tulio Salazar, sede Escuela Central, Atenas
    (2017) Garita Muñoz, Vivian; Mora Abdallah, Eduardo; Ramírez Rodríguez, Karina; Ramírez Valenciano, María Fernanda; Zamora Solano, Karen; Vásquez Carranza, Luz Marina
    Mastering the simple past and past participle of irregular verbs in English presents itself as a e hall en ge for Second/Foreign Language Learners because of the complexity in the morphological change of the verb root. Previous research has shown that learning such features of the English language is not only difficult for L2 learners but also for L 1 learners, and general izations and/or overgeneralizations are common. Given these facts, the purpose pursued in this study was to explore the extent to which mobile applications could support learners' acquisition of past and past participle forms of a se lected number ofirregular verbs. The participants ofthe study were a control group of 6 eleventh graders and an experimental group of 12 tenth graders who were enrol led in a public evening high school; their ages ranged between seventeen and twenty-two. Four in strume nts were used to collect the data: two questionnaires, a pre- and posttest, and active observations. The interventions consisted of applying 3 different mobile applications for students to practice a total of 49 irregular verbs. The results showed that, through the use of the target mobile applications as a complementary tool , students' motivation towards the learning of the past and past participle of irregular verbs in English greatly improved; it promoted cooperative learning, improved correct pronunciation awareness, helped students to learn the target verbs, and increased engagement and enthusiasm. Though the use of mobile applications to learn the past and the past pa1ticiple ofverbs was found to be plainly positive, further investigation is needed to determine the extent to which their use might evidence more quantitatively salient improvement overa more extended period, as restrictions in time as well as in the number of students who took part in this study were faced...

SIBDI, UCR - San José, Costa Rica.

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