Prácticas de autocuidado durante el proceso de transición entre hombres identificados dentro del espectro trans costarricenses
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Los hombres trans pueden llegar a experimentar el proceso de transición como la forma de afirmar el género. Durante este proceso no solo consiste en la adaptación del cuerpo, la presentación social y la documentación legal, sino que también implica el enfrentar a una sociedad cisheteronormativa que puede aumentar el riesgo de alteración de la salud y el bienestar, por lo cual surge la relevancia de profundizar sobre las prácticas de autocuidado de los hombres trans por el interés de entender cuáles son estas acciones y el significado intrínseco de las mismas. El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar las prácticas de autocuidado durante el proceso de transición a través de las historias de vida de hombres auto-identificados dentro del espectro trans costarricenses. Mediante la óptica de la Teoría de Autocuidado propuesta por Dorothea Orem. Estudio de tipo cualitativo de diseño sociohistórico y abordaje de historia de vida temática. Se utilizó la entrevista semiestructurada como método de recolección de datos. Se utilizó una muestra de 14 participantes por medio de la técnica de bola de nieve, con los criterios de auto-identificarse como hombre trans, haber experimentado el proceso de transición de género, ser mayor de edad y costarricense. La información obtenida fue analizada según la técnica de análisis de contenido. Entre los hallazgos, se encuentra que la conformación, expresión y verbalización de la identidad focalizado en la masculinidad son prácticas de autocuidado que ocurren a lo largo de las etapas de la vida, lo que responde al mantenimiento de las condiciones vitales de los requisitos de desarrollo. Por otro lado, parte de las prácticas de autocuidado identificadas buscan el moldeamiento corporal para generar sintonía con la autoidentidad masculina, por lo cual pueden ser categorizados en los requisitos universales y los requisitos de resultados de la salud. Asimismo, en las historias de vida...
Inglés: Transgender men may experience transitioning as a way of gender affirmation. During this process not only consists of adaptation of the body, social presentation, and legal documentations, but also it involves facing a cisheteronormative society which increases the risk of health and wellbeing alterations. Therefore, it is important to deepen in the transgender men’s self-care practices to understand what these actions are and their intrinsic meaning. The aim of the research was to analyze self-care practices during the transitioning process through the life stories of self-identified men within the Costa Rican transgender spectrum. From the point of view of Dorothea Orem's Self-Care Theory. Qualitative study of socio-historical design and thematic life history approach. The semi-structured interview was used as a method of data collection. A sample of 14 participants was used using the snowball technique, with the criteria of self-identifying as a transgender man, having experienced the transitioning process, being of legal age and Costa Rican. The information obtained was analyzed according to the content analysis technique. The results showed that the conformation, expression, and verbalization of identity focused on masculinity are self-care practices that occur throughout the life stages, which responds to the maintenance of the vital conditions of development requirements. On the other hand, part of the self-care practices identified seek body shaping to generate attunement with the masculine self-identity, whereby they can be categorized in the universal requirements and health outcomes requirements. Likewise, different types of violence are present in the life histories that produce difficulty for social integration and mental health affectation, thus self-care practices respond to the health outcomes requirements as the means to promote health and wellbeing. It is concluded that self-care practices respond to the establishment of the desired...
Inglés: Transgender men may experience transitioning as a way of gender affirmation. During this process not only consists of adaptation of the body, social presentation, and legal documentations, but also it involves facing a cisheteronormative society which increases the risk of health and wellbeing alterations. Therefore, it is important to deepen in the transgender men’s self-care practices to understand what these actions are and their intrinsic meaning. The aim of the research was to analyze self-care practices during the transitioning process through the life stories of self-identified men within the Costa Rican transgender spectrum. From the point of view of Dorothea Orem's Self-Care Theory. Qualitative study of socio-historical design and thematic life history approach. The semi-structured interview was used as a method of data collection. A sample of 14 participants was used using the snowball technique, with the criteria of self-identifying as a transgender man, having experienced the transitioning process, being of legal age and Costa Rican. The information obtained was analyzed according to the content analysis technique. The results showed that the conformation, expression, and verbalization of identity focused on masculinity are self-care practices that occur throughout the life stages, which responds to the maintenance of the vital conditions of development requirements. On the other hand, part of the self-care practices identified seek body shaping to generate attunement with the masculine self-identity, whereby they can be categorized in the universal requirements and health outcomes requirements. Likewise, different types of violence are present in the life histories that produce difficulty for social integration and mental health affectation, thus self-care practices respond to the health outcomes requirements as the means to promote health and wellbeing. It is concluded that self-care practices respond to the establishment of the desired...
Tesis (licenciatura en enfermería)--Universidad de Costa Rica. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Enfermería, 2023
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