Abordaje integral a nivel nacional para personas diagnosticadas con trastorno de personalidad esquizotípica con conductas violentas y delictivas
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En la presente investigación se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, con el fin de poder describir el abordaje integral, a nivel nacional, que se les brinda a las personas diagnosticadas con Trastorno de Personalidad Esquizotípica que presentan conductas violentas y delictivas. Lo anterior con el fin de conocer las intervenciones psicológicas disponibles a nivel nacional para el abordaje de éstas conductas, que presenten las personas diagnosticadas con Trastorno de la Personalidad Esquizotípica. Además, se analizó la legislación nacional vigente que regula las conductas violentas y delictivas de éstas personas. El conocer el tipo de intervenciones psicológicas, la efectividad y aplicación de éstas técnicas, le brinda la posibilidad al profesional en Psicología de abordar con mayor certeza éstas situaciones, aunado a lo anterior, la legislación a nivel nacional le ofrece la posibilidad al personal de salud de intervenir de manera asertiva, apegada a ley, respetando los derechos que las personas con diagnóstico de Trastorno de la Personalidad Esquizotípica. La información recopilada y analizada permite conocer que los trastornos de personalidad poseen un factor neurobiológico y genético importante, implicados en el comportamiento y evolución de la conducta de las personas con estos trastornos. Si bien es cierto, la literatura no cuenta con estudios que indiquen que un abordaje psicológico específico, es del todo efectivo, si se han propuesto terapias psicológicas que muestran efectividad y la disminución de los síntomas floridos, como lo son las terapias cognitivo-conductuales y las terapias de tercera generación. En Costa Rica, la Caja Costarricense de Seguro de Social, ente prestador de servicios de salud, en coordinación con el Ministerio de Seguridad, brindan a la población la posibilidad de un abordaje diferenciado y de acuerdo a las necesidades de las personas...
In this research, a literature review was conducted, in order to describe an integrated approach at national level, which is given to people diagnosed with Schizotypal Personality Disorder exhibiting violent and criminal behavior. This in order to meet psychological interventions available nationwide for addressing these behaviors submitted to those people diagnosed with Schizotypal Personality Disorder. Also, existing national legislation regulating violent and criminal behavior of these individuals was analyzed. Knowing the type of psychological interventions, effectiveness and application of these techniques, offers the possibility to Professionals of Psychology to deal with more certainty these situations; besides, the legislation at national level offers the possibility to health workers to assertively intervene, attached to law and respecting the rights that people diagnosed with Schizotypal Personality Disorder have. The information collected and analyzed allows us to know that personality disorders have an important neurobiological and genetic factor which is involved in the behavior and the evolution of behavior of people with these disorders. Certainly, the literature lacks studies indicating that a specific psychological approach is quite effective; on the other hand, psychological therapies that show effectiveness and decreasing florid symptoms, such as cognitive behavioral therapies and third generation therapies have been proposed. In Costa Rica, the Social Security System, an institution that provides health care, in coordination with the Security Ministry, provide the population with the possibility of a different approach and according to the needs of people with Personality Disorder Schizotypal.
In this research, a literature review was conducted, in order to describe an integrated approach at national level, which is given to people diagnosed with Schizotypal Personality Disorder exhibiting violent and criminal behavior. This in order to meet psychological interventions available nationwide for addressing these behaviors submitted to those people diagnosed with Schizotypal Personality Disorder. Also, existing national legislation regulating violent and criminal behavior of these individuals was analyzed. Knowing the type of psychological interventions, effectiveness and application of these techniques, offers the possibility to Professionals of Psychology to deal with more certainty these situations; besides, the legislation at national level offers the possibility to health workers to assertively intervene, attached to law and respecting the rights that people diagnosed with Schizotypal Personality Disorder have. The information collected and analyzed allows us to know that personality disorders have an important neurobiological and genetic factor which is involved in the behavior and the evolution of behavior of people with these disorders. Certainly, the literature lacks studies indicating that a specific psychological approach is quite effective; on the other hand, psychological therapies that show effectiveness and decreasing florid symptoms, such as cognitive behavioral therapies and third generation therapies have been proposed. In Costa Rica, the Social Security System, an institution that provides health care, in coordination with the Security Ministry, provide the population with the possibility of a different approach and according to the needs of people with Personality Disorder Schizotypal.
Tesis (especialidad en psicología clínica)--Universidad de Costa Rica. Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado, 2014
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