Evaluación de las propiedades físico-mecánicas de una mezcla de simulante de regolito lunar y un conglomerante mediante pruebas experimentales, para su eventual uso en construcciones sobre la superficie lunar
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Se propone la elaboración de una mezcla elaborada con un simulante de regolito lunar y un material conglomerante para solventar la necesidad de un material de construcción que sea capaz de proteger a los seres humanos contra condiciones ambientales extraterrestres encontradas en la luna. Un material que no solo sea capaz resistir el paso del tiempo en un ambiente hostil, sino que sea posible elaborarlo en bajo esas mismas condiciones. El material que se presenta es capaz de solidificar sin el uso de concreto y/o agua. Además, es capaz de soportar condiciones ambientales lunares como el efecto del vacío, alto gradiente de temperaturas y radiación para los procesos experimentales diseñados. De los anteriores, el vacío es la condición que afecta en mayor medida la resistencia a la compresión, sin embargo, los valores de resistencia alcanzados en esa condición superar 5 veces la resistencia a la compresión meta. Paralelamente se determinó que la resistencia a la compresión del material es aproximadamente 10%, similar a la relación compresión-tracción del concreto. Esta investigación invita al estudio posterior de la afectación sobre las resinas utilizadas causadas por la exposición prolongada de condiciones ambientales extremas. Adicionalmente, llama a la elaboración de distintas técnicas de fabricación con distintos materiales para generar un mercado más sostenible para las construcciones en la Tierra.
Inglés: The elaboration of a mixture made with a lunar regolith simulant and a binder material is proposed to solve the need for a construction material capable of protecting human beings against extraterrestrial environmental conditions found on the moon. A material that is not only capable of withstanding the passage of time in a hostile environment but also that is possible to produce under those same conditions. The material presented is capable of solidifying without the use of concrete and water. In addition, it is capable of withstanding lunar environmental conditions such as the effect of vacuum, high-temperature gradient, and radiation for the designed experimental processes. Of the above, vacuum is the condition that affects the compressive strength to a greater extent, however, the resistance values reached in that condition exceed 5 times the target compressive strength. At the same time, it will be prolonged that the compressive strength of the material is approximately 10%, similar to the compression-traction ratio of concrete. This research invites the subsequent study of the impact on the resins used caused by prolonged exposure to extreme environmental conditions. Additionally, it calls for developing different manufacturing techniques with different materials to generate a more sustainable market for buildings on Earth.
Inglés: The elaboration of a mixture made with a lunar regolith simulant and a binder material is proposed to solve the need for a construction material capable of protecting human beings against extraterrestrial environmental conditions found on the moon. A material that is not only capable of withstanding the passage of time in a hostile environment but also that is possible to produce under those same conditions. The material presented is capable of solidifying without the use of concrete and water. In addition, it is capable of withstanding lunar environmental conditions such as the effect of vacuum, high-temperature gradient, and radiation for the designed experimental processes. Of the above, vacuum is the condition that affects the compressive strength to a greater extent, however, the resistance values reached in that condition exceed 5 times the target compressive strength. At the same time, it will be prolonged that the compressive strength of the material is approximately 10%, similar to the compression-traction ratio of concrete. This research invites the subsequent study of the impact on the resins used caused by prolonged exposure to extreme environmental conditions. Additionally, it calls for developing different manufacturing techniques with different materials to generate a more sustainable market for buildings on Earth.
Proyecto de graduación (licenciatura en ingeniería civil)--Universidad de Costa Rica. Facultad de Ingeniería. Escuela de Ingeniería Civil, 2022
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