Relación entre factores sociodemográficos y el estilo de vida promotor de salud de estudiantes de cuarto año de las carreras de enfermería, salud pública y nutrición de la Universidad de Costa Rica
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Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre los factores sociodemográficos y el estilo de vida promotor de la salud de ]os estudiantes de cuarto año de las carreras de Enfermería, Salud Pública y Nutrición de ]a Universidad de Costa Rica. Material y método: Estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, no experimental, descriptivo, correlacional de corte transversal. Muestreo no probabilístico en población de 164 estudiantes. Recolección de datos mediante cuestionario autoadministrado en línea. Análisis de datos mediante Excel, SPSS; prueba de Chi cuadrada (x2 ) y ANOVA. Resultados: El 80,2% fueron mujeres, el 65,3% tenían entre 20 y 23 años, el 90, 1% se dedicaban a solo estudiar, el 78,5% residían dentro del Gran Área Metropolitana, y un 58,7% se encontró en Nivel Socioeconómico Medio. El 84,3% de estudiantes demostró contar con un estilo de vida promotor de la salud moderado. Las dimensiones con mejor puntaje promedio fueron relaciones interpersonales y crecimiento espiritual (27 y 26 puntos, respectivamente); las de menor puntaje fueron actividad física y manejo del estrés (19 y 18 puntos, respectivamente). No se encontró relación estadísticamente significativa entre el estilo de vida promotor de salud, y el sexo (p= 0.875), la edad (p= 0.955), la ocupación (p= 0.664), el lugar de residencia (p= 0.421), o el nivel socioeconómico (p= 0.770). Conclusiones: No hay relación entre los factores sociodemográficos de edad, sexo, ocupación, residencia, y NSE con el estilo de vida promotor de la salud del estudiantado de cuarto año de las carreras de Enfermería, Nutrición y Salud Pública de la Universidad de Costa Rica.
Inglés: Objective: Determine the relationship between sociodemographic factors and the health-promoting lifestyle of fourth-year students of the Nursing, Public Health and Nutrition majors at the University of Costa Rica. Material and method: Quantitative, non- experimental, descriptive, correlational cross-sectional study. Non-probabilistic sampling in a population of 164 students. Data collection through self-administered online questionnaire. Data analysis using Excel, SPSS; Chi square test (x2) and ANOVA. Results: 80.2% were women, 65.3% were between 20 and 23 years old, 90.1 % were exclusively studying, 78.5% resided within the "Gran Área Metropolitana", and 58.7% had a Medium Socioeconomic Level. 84.3% of students demonstrated a moderate health-promoting lifestyle. The dimensions with the best average score were interpersonal relationships and spiritual growth (27 and 26 points, respectively); those with the lowest seores were physical activity and stress management (19 and 18 points, respectively). No statistically significant relationship was found between the health-promoting lifestyle and sex (p= 0.875), age (p= 0.955), occupation (p= 0.664), place ofresidence (p= 0.421), or socioeconomic level (p= 0.770). Conclusions: There is no relationship between the sociodemographic factors of age, sex, occupation, residence, and NSE with the health-promoting lifestyle of fourth-year students of the Nursing, Nutrition, and Public Health majors at the University of Costa Rica.
Inglés: Objective: Determine the relationship between sociodemographic factors and the health-promoting lifestyle of fourth-year students of the Nursing, Public Health and Nutrition majors at the University of Costa Rica. Material and method: Quantitative, non- experimental, descriptive, correlational cross-sectional study. Non-probabilistic sampling in a population of 164 students. Data collection through self-administered online questionnaire. Data analysis using Excel, SPSS; Chi square test (x2) and ANOVA. Results: 80.2% were women, 65.3% were between 20 and 23 years old, 90.1 % were exclusively studying, 78.5% resided within the "Gran Área Metropolitana", and 58.7% had a Medium Socioeconomic Level. 84.3% of students demonstrated a moderate health-promoting lifestyle. The dimensions with the best average score were interpersonal relationships and spiritual growth (27 and 26 points, respectively); those with the lowest seores were physical activity and stress management (19 and 18 points, respectively). No statistically significant relationship was found between the health-promoting lifestyle and sex (p= 0.875), age (p= 0.955), occupation (p= 0.664), place ofresidence (p= 0.421), or socioeconomic level (p= 0.770). Conclusions: There is no relationship between the sociodemographic factors of age, sex, occupation, residence, and NSE with the health-promoting lifestyle of fourth-year students of the Nursing, Nutrition, and Public Health majors at the University of Costa Rica.
Seminario de graduación (licenciatura en enfermería)--Universidad de Costa Rica. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Enfermería, 2022
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