Rodríguez Ramírez, Xinia María, 1967-Arguedas Molina, Vivian, 1980-Ocampo Monestel Yajaira, 1978-2023-06-092023-06-092017 (maestría profesional en la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera)--Universidad de Costa Rica. Sistema de Estudios de Posgrado, 2017Teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has promoted more successful communication in the context of a globalized world. People involved in every field of expertise require a second language to interact at workplaces; therefore, action researchers should provide opportunities to learners who request specialized programs suitable for their needs. This research study aimed to determine the extent to which the materials designed and implemented in an English for Occupational Purposes course helped the students achieve the objectives. The course was designed for a group of 20 learners in the area of Customs Administration and lnternational Trade at the University of Costa Rica having expressed their needs and lacks. The study was based on a mixed methods approach. lnitially, the data collection instruments included questionnaires, interviews and a diagnostic test in order to identify the students' needs, wants, and lacks. During a second stage of the process, several class observations and a non- observational technique were carried out. Moreover, the students and the supervisors completed course evaluation forms and student teacher performance evaluation forms. The results revealed that the materials not only helped the students achieve the course objectives but also that they complied with ESP and TBL T principies, provided appropriate input for the students' written and oral communication, and were effectively used by the facilitators. The students' needs, wants, and lacks were satisfied to a great extent.spaADQUISICION DE UNA SEGUNDA LENGUAEDUCACION BILINGUE - METODOLOGIAINGLES - ESTUDIO Y ENSEÑANZAINGLES TECNICO - ENSEÑANZA PROGRAMADAEnglish for customs administration and international trade studentstesis de maestría