Jiménez Fontana, Pamela2021-11-222022-03-172021-11-222022-03-1720142212-828Xhttps://repositorio.sibdi.ucr.ac.cr/handle/123456789/17001Disaggregating national production by sex might lead to the misleading conclusion that women’s contribution to the economy is significantly lower than men’s. National Accounts fail to measure the time people dedicate to non-remunerated production because there is no explicit economic compensation. However, non-remunerated production contributes indirectly to the economy, and it represents part of the real cost of taking care of others. The opportunity cost of dedication to non-remunerated production depends highly on the educational level and personal preferences. This article estimates the real contribution of men and women to the Costa Rican economy by calculating labor income and non-remunerated production by age and sex. In addition, the article disaggregates the main activities of non-remunerated production by educational level.engCUENTAS DE TRANSFERENCIAS NACIONALESGENEROPRODUCCION DOMESTICAUSO DEL TIEMPOAnalysis of non-remunerated production in Costa RicaArticle