Chacón Prado, Mónica de Jesús, 1981-Alvarado Rodríguez, Jennifer Tatiana, 1993-Cordoba Espinoza, Andreina, 1989-Delgado Calvo, Raquel, 1995-Villalobos Mendoza, Luis Fernando, 1989-2023-10-312023-10-312021 de graduación (licenciatura en enseñanza del inglés)--Universidad de Costa Rica. Sede Regional del Pacífico. Departamento de Filosofía, Artes y Letras. Sección de Lenguas Modernas, 2021This research encompasses the use of digital flashcards to foster the mastery of vocabulary in oral production tasks. To carry out this study, the researchers conducted different instruments in order to obtain the results, analyze the data, and verify if the objectives were fulfilled. The main aim is to analyze the effectiveness of digital flashcards as a learning strategy to improve the mastery of vocabulary; thus, to make students communicate better in the second language.spaFLASH CARDSINGLES - METODOS DE ENSEÑANZAINGLES - TEXTOS PARA EXTRANJEROSINGLES - VOCABULARIO - METODOS DE ENSEÑANZAThe use of digital flashcards as a learning strategy to foster the mastery of vocabulary in oral production tasks through Task-Based an approach in a virtual EFL classroom in a group of seventh grade students at Esparza High schoolproyecto fin de carrera