The use of digital flashcards as a learning strategy to foster the mastery of vocabulary in oral production tasks through Task-Based an approach in a virtual EFL classroom in a group of seventh grade students at Esparza High school

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The use of digital flashcards as a learning strategy to foster the mastery of vocabulary in oral production tasks through Task-Based an approach in a virtual EFL classroom in a group of seventh grade students at Esparza High school

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Title: The use of digital flashcards as a learning strategy to foster the mastery of vocabulary in oral production tasks through Task-Based an approach in a virtual EFL classroom in a group of seventh grade students at Esparza High school
Author: Alvarado Rodríguez, Jennifer Tatiana; Cordoba Espinoza, Andreina; Delgado Calvo, Raquel; Villalobos Mendoza, Luis Fernando
Description: Proyecto de graduación (licenciatura en enseñanza del inglés)--Universidad de Costa Rica. Sede Regional del Pacífico. Departamento de Filosofía, Artes y Letras. Sección de Lenguas Modernas, 2021
Date: 2021

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